Romans: 3 minute video overview

Here is the newest 3 minute video – an overview of Paul’s letter Romans. Below, you will find the text of the video:

Welcome to 3 Minute Bible Study on Paul’s letter to the Romans.

The theme of the letter is to teach the gospel of Christ. A secondary goal was to unify believers in Christ. The theme is laid out in 1:16;  the gospel (the good news of Christ) is the power of God to Salvation to those that believe, to the Jew first, and to the Greek or Gentile.  This was in contrast to the Pharisee view described in John 5;  they thought eternal life was in the LAW and set their hope in Moses. It was in contrast to Pharisees in the early church who said Gentiles need to be circumcised and keep Mosaic law to be saved.  Paul declares the opposite in Romans 1.16; it’s the Gospel (not Law), and the power of God (not works of men ) that saves believers in Christ.

Follow the text numbers in blue to see how the chapters relate to the theme.

(1) Gentiles need salvation because they’ve sinned.

(2) Jews need salvation because  they’ve sinned.

(3) Both are guilty,  and works and law will not justify evil workers and lawbreakers.  Redemption is in the blood of Christ, a gift of grace for sinners who put their trust, or faith, in Christ;

(4) as Abraham believed the Lord and was justified before circumcision was ever commanded.

(5) And unlike Adam who brought sin and death, Jesus died for our sins and brought life and grace.

(6) Question: does grace mean we may continue in sin? No. Being freed from sin demands service to righteousness.

(7) Before Law a sinner stands guilty,

(8) but there is no condemnation for those in Christ, who also walk in the Spirit, not in the flesh. This is the plan and elect of God,

(9) who elected of old to give the promise in Isaac & Jacob, and who now gives mercy (he has mercy on whom he wills), not to vessels of wrath who trust in themselves – but to Gentiles and others who trust in Christ,

(10) who confess him as Lord & who believe he rose from the dead.

(11) Salvation is offered to both Jews and Gentiles. All have sinned, and salvation is offered to all.

That’s the end of the conceptual part of the letter. Next he turns to practical application; based on the mercies of God, be living sacrifices, not conformed to this world.

And since the Lord accepts both you Jews and you Gentiles; you need to accept one another.

What Romans is saying:  neither works nor law can redeem. It’s the gospel that is the power of God to save those that trust in Christ.  But contrary to a popular misconception,  Paul does not say salvation is by “faith only” – a term he never used. Nor is he saying we don’t need to obey.

The power of redemption comes  from the blood of Christ alone. He is the Savior. We must put our faith in him (ch.3). But did Paul mean a dead and unfaithful faith? Or a living and faithful faith?  Chapter 6: Paul speaks of putting to death the old man, being baptized into Christ and his death, and rising to walk in a newness of life, no longer a slave of sin  Are we to sin because we are under grace? No! You are slaves of the one you obey,  either sin to death, or obedience to righteousness.

The letter ends with these words: the preaching of Jesus … to bring about obedience of faith . To God be the glory, through Jesus Christ, Amen!

Bible Timeline in 3 Minutes


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